When to Seek Help
Self-Exam Tips | Risk Factors For Breast Cancer
No one knows your body better than you do. When performing your self-exam, check yourself for any changes from your prior self-exams. The doctors and staff at the San Juan Cancer Center at Montrose Regional Health recommend that you see your care provider if you notice:
- A lump whether it hurts or not (not all lumps are cancerous but any lump should be checked)
- A change in the skin texture especially around the nipple (this may look like an orange peel)
- Dimpling anywhere on the breast
- Nipple tenderness or discharge especially a clear or bloody discharge
- A nipple that is inverted or turned slightly inward
- Any unexplained change in the size or shape of the breast
- Unexplained swelling or shrinkage of the breast especially on one side only
- Pain in the breasts
- Itchy breasts
Don’t let this list frighten you. And don’t automatically assume that you have breast cancer if your breasts itch. Do see your care provider for a thorough exam and continue to perform your monthly self-exams.
Early detection is the #1 way to beat breast cancer!