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Medical Assistance

Financial assistance is available for a variety of breast cancer medical procedures including mammograms, ultrasound, and surgical consultations for applicants who qualify. Assistance may also be available, to those who qualify, for related travel expenses, specialty treatment procedures, and specialty supplies as prescribed by a medical provider. Please be aware that an application must be submitted and approved before assistance can be provided.  We recommend confirming approval before scheduling appointments for procedures you want us to cover.

You can download the application here  (download Spanish Application) Completed applications can be scanned to [email protected] and [email protected] or mailed to Denise Weaver:

Denise Weaver
P.O. Box 491
Norwood, Colorado 81423

For additional information on financial assistance from Bosom Buddies, please contact:

970-209-2118 Denise Weaver

Other assistance may be available from:

970-252-5000 Montrose County Health & Human Services Family Planning

The following health care providers preform breast exams and can write prescriptions for mammograms:

970-252-2893 Montrose Regional Health
Rachel Jacques, Women’s Health Navigator
970-497-3333 River Valley Family Health Center in Montrose
970-323-6141 River Valley Family Health Center in Ouray
970-323-6141 River Valley Family Health Center in Olathe
970-327-4233 Uncompahgre Medical Center in Norwood
970-865-2665 Basin Clinic in Naturita
970-728-3828 Telluride Medical Center in Telluride