Breast Cancer and You
1. Slow Down And Take A Deep Breath
A breast cancer diagnosis changes your life but, in most cases, you will have the time to adjust to your diagnosis. Ask your doctor if you can take the time to discuss your status with your family and friends. If your doctor says your situation is not an emergency, then do not feel pressured to make treatment decisions right away. You will be able to make more informed decisions if you take the time to learn about your breast cancer.
2. Know The Details Of Your Diagnosis
Your specific diagnosis will allow you to understand your treatment options. Get a copy of your radiology and pathology reports. Get the facts in writing so you can refer back to the reports when talking with your doctor.
3. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask Questions
Write down a list of questions to ask your doctor. Set a special appointment to discuss these questions and your options. Include such questions as: What type of breast cancer do I have? What stage am I? Do I have options for treatment? Can my treatment be handled locally? What side effects could I have? Take a friend with you to take notes as your emotions may affect your memory.
4. Do Your Research
Ask your doctor for reading materials to help you understand which treatments will most likely work for you. Check out the “Resources” tab on our website. Only you can decide how much information you need to make a decision regarding your treatments. Don’t overload yourself, but become an active participant in your health care choices.
5. Talk to Others Who Have Been There
We are here to support you. We are survivors. You can get help dealing with your emotions, and issues with family, treatments and finances. Contact us via email at [email protected].